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unit 6 - 3d research/context

what makes a 3d photograph?

a picture that has or appears to have height, width and depth is three-dimensional, A picture that has height and width but no depth is two-dimensional. To full understand the concept of 3D photography, it is important to know how it happens. The simples way to define 3d photography is "it is a form of photography that captures and displays two offset images that are a little different from each other, so much so that they produce 3d images". it is pretty much like putting two images together in a distance similar to that of your eyes.

You can create 3d images in different ways using a variety of methods. For majority of photographers, the most ideal way is to take photos using any digital camera and then use a 3d image software for achieving the three-dimensional effect.

How is it done?

here are a few steps you need to know to follow to take 3d photos

1. get your DSLR

2. prepare to take shots from different angles. however make sure you do not do this against or anything similarly flat. This will defeat the purpose

3. make sure your main subject is in the center and properly positioned, then take the photo.

4. the next step is for you to move your camera or tripod carefully to around two to 2.5 inches to the left and once your main subject is in the center then take a shot of it.  the repeat the same process on the right side.

5. make sure you cover all angles - up, left, right, down.

6. transfer you files to the computer

7. make your choice of software to create your 3d image.

you can find a link to how i did it in one of my other blog posts

How will i analyse my work?

unless you have seen my final write ps for my digital and analogue 3d projects, when it came to analysing my work, after each day, or after each part of my projects i wrote up what i did, like for example my first analogue 3d project, as it was not successful, i wrote up what went wrong and how i could improve from next time, then i accomplished my second attempt and wrote about that including what went well, what did not, etc. so that is how i will analyse my work.


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