For me in order to do my Order & Chaos photography project, i had to do some pre-collected research so then i could get on & do my project, & create my own inspired interpretation of the photography concept/genre. For my research, i studied work done by photographers, via online & by using books, who's work is part on the order & chaos genre. For my research, i researched photographers such as Guido Mocafico, Andreas Gursky & Sebastiao Salgado. Unfortunately, even though i found the research to help me in some way, that being the photographers work, i was not inspired by the work, so from that i decided to do the subject of Order & Chaos in general, but i do find the artists' work interesting. (below you can find said research) Guido Mocafico Guido Mocafico is a contemporary master of still life photographer, born in Switzerland, who's images have been published in numerous magazines over the years, including, for example, Men's Vog...