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For this lesson i was set a task of creating a a kaleidoscope image using a DNG file (or the option of using a RAW file is also there) in photoshop. for those that do not know, a Kaleidoscope image is an optical instrument with two or more reflecting surfaces, which are tilted to each other in an angle, so that one or more (parts of) objects on one end of the mirrors, that being the image which is used, are seen as a regular symmetrical pattern when viewed from the other end, due to the repeated reflection. it is also dubbed as the kaleidoscope effect.

This is the first time i had ever tried to create this process with a photo, plus during the lesson i also learnt what kaleidoscope is and what its definition, and its other known variations, especially as for years before i kept hearing the term kaleidoscope, and i had no idea what it was.

For the process of creating the kaleidoscope image, i struggled may times, and did a few slip ups, as the image would not flip the way i wanted to, but i found out where i was going wrong, and i adapted and got the hang of the process. To create the image, i followed specific instructions (yes i did make mistakes following the instructions, but i unfortunately do not know how), using the link which you can find below. The image in which i used to create the final produced kaleidoscope, you can find in the link below also, but that does not mean you can not use an image of your own to create a kaleidoscope image; you can check some examples below as well.

Examples you could do/recreate -
